Azure Service Bus

Azure Service Bus - The maximum message size quota for outgoing messages (1114112) has been exceeded
The Boomi Azure Service Bus connector uses HTTP for all operations except LISTEN, which uses AMQP. Azure Service Bus does support sending messages larger than 1MB with the Premium SKU. Although, they only support sending messages greater than 1MB using AMPQ and do not support sending messages larger than 1MB over HTTP.
In Microsoft’s Documentation on large message support, it says:
[Large messages are] Supported only when using the AMQP protocol. Not supported when using SBMP or HTTP protocols, in the premium tier the maximum message size for these protocols is 1MB.To use Azure Service Bus (Premium SKU) within Boomi with files greater than 1MB, you will need to configure a JMS connector. Documentation on configuring the JMS connector with Azure Service Bus can be found here: How to Connect to Microsoft Azure Service Bus with the JMS Connector (must be signed in to view).
Also, ensure that you have increased the maximum message size within the queue or topic.